Pastor Lynn Davis

Pastor Lynn Davis received her Master’s degree in Theology, and a Bachelor’s degree in Christian Counseling, and is a Certified Life Coach from Aim Higher Professional Coaching. She is committed and submitted to her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and follows hard after God to be a positive reflection of Who God is.

Pastor Lynn is passionate about ministering inner healing to the hurting so they can move forward in their purpose and on purpose. A Call to First Lady is written in that very direction. Pastor Lynn’s vehicle was in the call of a Pastor’s Wife, your vehicle may be branded under another calling, however, as long as you allow the Lord to do the driving to take you to the places that yield the divinely designed lessons that will perfect you for your purpose, you will certainly arrive safely to your purpose. Her life experiences are transparently provided so you glean a greater understanding and perhaps realize God is only re-routing your destinations at times to keep you from taking the wrong exits.

She desires to bring a blessing of clarity to “the call” that God has assigned to YOU as she reveals how the Lord directs, leads, and loves us along our journeys.